How to Lower Medical Expenses and Make the Most of Your Maryland Health Insurance

//How to Lower Medical Expenses and Make the Most of Your Maryland Health Insurance

How to Lower Medical Expenses and Make the Most of Your Maryland Health Insurance

The tough economy and the uncertainty of the future of the healthcare and insurance industries are enough to make anyone nervous, even those with quality Maryland health insurance options. Because of the current economic climate people are looking for ways to limit spending and maximize financial investments with vehicles already available to them. If you have Maryland health insurance and want to lower your medical expenses and maximize your health insurance, here are some of the things that you can do.

One of the easiest ways to save money on your Maryland health insurance premiums is to stay in network. Even through your plan will most likely allow for out of network visits, deductibles, coinsurance and out of pocket limits generally double. In addition, some carriers actually have lower out of network limits and maximums. You can save money by doing this, especially if your Maryland health insurance plan does not cover the full cost of doctor’s visits. If you utilize the PPO rate for office visits, that rate isn’t applied when you go out of network!

Additionally you should use an insurance broker vs. a traditional captive agent.  Doing this allows you to have access to all Maryland health insurance providers instead of the one or 2 that most captive agents use. Also, just because you have Maryland group health insurance through work doesn’t mean you are getting the most affordable rate. Don’t be afraid to contact a broker to see if your current group plan fits you best. If you have a spouse, evaluate his/her group health insurance and see if it’s cost effective to go that route. If you think your current Maryland group health insurance at work is insufficient for your medical needs, call us!

When purchasing your own health insurance from a Maryland health insurance provider, make sure that you understand your healthcare needs and base your purchase on those needs. If you visit the doctor once annually, and the benefit of a co pay is going to add $125 a month to your plan, then leave the co pay off the plan. You don’t use that benefit, so why pay for it? By doing this, you will have a quality plan, but won’t be paying extra for benefits you don’t use.

If you are looking for additional ways to lower your Maryland health insurance premiums, then call us at (866) 260-9829 and let us show you how we can lower those premiums for you. Our specialty is lowering the Maryland family health insurance premiums of small business owners while finding better coverage.

Wrong article? Not searching for “How to Lower Medical Expenses and Make the Most of Your Maryland Health Insurance”? Try Health Insurance Plans for Individuals in Maryland instead.

By | 2017-07-11T02:31:38+00:00 October 7th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

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